List of public results
Project will develop an universal approach to predict the achievable GNSS performance in a railway environment, especially for safety critical applications. Necessary evolutions of ETCS to include GNSS services will be determined together with quantification of economic benefits through reduction of costs.
Preparation of campaign (WP2)
D2.1 Specification of the Measurement Information
D2.2 Measurement Procedures Specification
D2.3 Identification of the Representative Railways Lines / Sites
Data post-processing (WP4)
D4.1 Description of methodology for data record sorting and saving
D4.3 Railway environment characterization
EGNOS Technology Feasibility Study (WP5)
D5.1 State of the art on EGNSS system for the rail application
D5.3 EGNSS Target Performance to meet railway safety requirements
D5.4 EGNSS Services Evolution for railways and ETCS impacts
Impact analysis (WP6)
D6.1 Definition of economic model, scenarios and case
D6.2 Cost-benefit Analysis: case studies
D6.3 Impact Analysis
D6.4 Implementation Plan
Dissemination and exploitation (WP7)
D7.2 The project leaflet n°1
D7.3 The project leaflet n°2
D7.5 Final Book